Lump Sum Cash for Structured Settlements
Court Awarded Structured Settlements and Annuities are income streams paid by a life insurance company to compensate an injured individual as the result of a personal injury lawsuit, medical malpractice suit, wrongful death suit or any other type of liability settlement. As a result of injury or wrongful death, plaintiffs are commonly awarded very large settlements. Rather than receiving the settlement in a lump sum, however, the injured party most commonly receives the money as monthly installments in the form of an annuity.
At Cenric Group Inc, we can provide holders of structured settlements who receive installments payable by insurance companies with a lump sum of cash to be used for…

Maximum Cash Wired Directly into Your Bank Account
Cenric Group Inc will assist you in receiving the maximum amount of lump sum cash for your structured settlement. You may also elect to sell only a portion of your settlement for FAST CASH and continue to receive monthly payments on the balance. Your lump sum cash is TAX FREE because Federal Tax Laws preserve the tax free status of your structured settlement in the event of sale.
Find out more by contacting us or simply complete our online form (See Below) for a confidential quote. or optionally:
PRINTING & FAXING OUR PDF FORM (Fax: 312-528-7070)