Get a Cash Advance on a Pending Lawsuit
Often, claimants in Personal Injury, Sexual Harassment, Corporate Accounting Malpractice and other law cases can no longer meet their monthly rent, automobile, or other financial obligations due to the lengthy times necessary to be granted suitable awards. In the past, such claimants have frequently needed to accept lesser settlement amounts due to pressing financial difficulties. Now, our clients can sustain their personal lives and give their legal counsel the necessary time to achieve the full value of the case with the help of a Pre-Lawsuit Settlement advance.
Attorneys, their clients and even expert witnesses will find many advantages from our services. We remove the burden of first obtaining money to complete and develop cases and we alleviate the plaintiff’s constant struggle to obtain the capital for day-to-day living expenses! You can use your Pre-Lawsuit Settlement Advance to

Non-Recourse! If You Don’t Win, You Owe Nothing!
Our Pre-Lawsuit Settlements are a NON-RECOURSE CAPITAL ADVANCE which can help clients who are having financial difficulties. Our experienced buyers do the research, we take the risk and will arrange to have your case funded based on its merits. If you don’t win the case you owe nothing! When arranging a Pre-Lawsuit Settlement Advance, we require only a non-recourse statutory lien with no credit checks, monthly payments, notes, or other security required!.
Find out more by contacting us or simply complete our online form (See Below) for a confidential quote. or optionally:
PRINTING & FAXING OUR PDF FORM (Fax: 312-528-7070)